digital invitations

Wedding Invitations: Digital, Electronic, Paperless

What has our generation come to? I'm sure our grandmothers probably wouldn't have the appreciation for electronic invitations as I do. In fact, I'm sure it would definitely be frowned upon. Stationery designers - don't get me wrong. Beautiful cardstock, fabric, calligraphy, jewels, letterpress, thermography, and other embellishments are stunning when I get to plan parties and weddings for my clients. I love it all! However, anyone who knows me understands why electronic invitations would appeal to me (on a personal level) and why they completely represent me if I had to do my wedding invitations all over again. I love convenience, I don't care about tradition, and I love anything digital. We don't balance our checkbooks. All of our bills are paid online - preferably automatically withdrawn from our account. Last year, I got rid of my hard copy daily planner and rely solely on my Google Calendar on my laptop and my mobile phone. So yes, I LOVE the idea of electronic invitations.

Paperless Post was a company I learned about recently and have used it for my nephew's 1st birthday party invitations! Greenvelope is another company. Don't think of them as ad filled electronic invites that you send out for your office party. Think of these as the sophisticated digital invitations that they are! They even come with an envelope!

Photo: Paperless Post

What are your thoughts on paperless wedding invitations?


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