Nightclub Weddings in Las Vegas

There's no question that Las Vegas has some of the best nightclubs in the country. It's no wonder that nightclub weddings are popular in Las Vegas. Since nightclubs aren't traditional wedding reception venues, here are some things to keep in mind when you're considering a nightclub reception:

Underaged guests: most nightclubs will not allow any guests under the age of 21 into their club even if it is a private event. Be sure to ask this important question. There are a few in town that will allow this and your underaged guest will either have to wear a wristband or may be restricted to certain areas. Be sure you communicate to your underaged guests the importance of staying away from alcohol at your wedding. Or you run the risk of having your event shut down.

Underaged vendors: I once planned a wedding where the photographer's assistant was not allowed in because she was 20 years old. The photographer hadn't mentioned an assistant much less that she was underaged. Communicate everything to all parties involved.

End time of wedding: Unless your wedding takes place on a Monday or another evening when nightclubs are closed, your event will most likely need to end before the nightclub opens up for regular business. Keep this in mind in case you had your heart set on a later time frame.

Meal Service: A cocktail style reception with either butler passed hors d'oeuvres or stationed appetizers usually works best.

Room Rental/Food and Beverage Minimum: Generally there is either a room rental to reserve the space, a food and beverage minimum expenditure that must be met, or both. Want a premium location? There will be a premium price tag.

Security: There will be "bouncers" at your event. Men dressed like CIA agents will be at around at your wedding. You can count on it.

Photo: The Cohens Photography

Hair/Makeup: Makeup to Remember

Venue: The White Room at PURE Nightclub


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